What is people-first marketing?

The language you use shapes your perceptions. And your perceptions influence your actions.

That’s why we talk about “the customer journey” instead of “funnels.”

In the world of marketing those terms are often used interchangeably. Both refer to the moment someone becomes aware of your business until at least the time of purchase.

(If you’re smart, you go beyond that and take excellent care of your customers, to create loyalty and even better, referrals.)

Now picture a funnel. Got it? Next, imagine a customer.

The first is an object. The second is a living, breathing person.

Polaroids of a coffee pot with a filter and a happy customer paying for a purchase.

In marketing, words matter. A lot.

The difference in words might seem subtle (and okay, yes, that’s a coffee filter, not an actual funnel-funnel) but the impact is not.

Think about the lifeless, mechanical marketing you’ve come across. Like one of those terrible “customer service” emails that make you want to throw your mobile phone across the room.

Or the deluge of emails you get pushing you to buy something the instant you sign up for a freebie or newsletter.

That’s what happens when people — relationships between a business and customers —  aren’t front and centre in a business.

Relationships apply to big corporations or a business of one. Frankly, when it comes to customer service, solo businesses can run circles around big companies, because they don’t have massive, overly complex systems that swallow everything in their path.

But to beat the big guys, people have to be a priority.

So that’s our focus here at the Agency of Words. We create marketing strategies and tactics the gives your customer a sense of your values and personality.

We make buying from you easy, with simple, effective messages that inspire, educate, and delight the people you most want to work with.

That’s what draws your right-fit people in — and allows not-right customers to screen themselves out.

Want to talk more? Get in touch to see how we can work together or check out our services to learn more.

The Agency of Words gratefully acknowledges that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the territory of the Mi’kmaq, comprising present-day Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, parts of Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and Maine. The Mi’kmaq have been connected to this land and these waters for thousands of years and continue to be so in the present. We also acknowledge colonialism continues to do harm and pledge to work continually to be good allies.

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