Contact the Agency of Words
If you have questions about Agency services, you can use the form below. Your message goes straight to my inbox. You can expect a reply within one business day.
Ready to talk about how we can work together? Book a free 20-minute virtual coffee chat.
You won’t get a sales pitch on that call or in my reply to any message you send through this form. That’s a promise.
Once we talk about your project, it’s important to take some time to think, then we decide next steps.
Okay? Great. Looking forward to hearing from you.
The Agency of Words gratefully acknowledges that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the territory of the Mi’kmaq, comprising present-day Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, parts of Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and Maine. The Mi’kmaq have been connected to this land and these waters for thousands of years and continue to be so in the present. We also acknowledge colonialism continues to do harm and pledge to work continually to be good allies.