Free Guide: Make Comparison
Your Superpower

Make Comparison Your Secret Superpower screenshot.

What do you do when you come across a successful business in your field? 

You might be inclined to immediately compare yourself and decide you aren’t worthy.

My advice, based on experience: Don’t.

You can do something much better. Take a smart, objective look to see how the elements of that business work together, and pick up some valuable intel while you’re at it.

Follow the tips in this free guide so you can grow your business and sharpen your detective (read: marketing) skills.

The Agency of Words gratefully acknowledges that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the territory of the Mi’kmaq, comprising present-day Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, parts of Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and Maine. The Mi’kmaq have been connected to this land and these waters for thousands of years and continue to be so in the present. We also acknowledge colonialism continues to do harm and pledge to work continually to be good allies.

© Stacey Cornelius 2024