The Writers Secret Weapon for Non-writers

A common — and invaluable — piece of advice for any writer is to always carry a notebook.
It’s good advice even if you don’t consider yourself a writer.
If you have to do any amount of writing, like a newsletter, blog posts, or even shorter form writing like social posts, you still need ideas.
Every touchpoint with your audience counts, so when an idea appears, grab it.
Plan ahead like a boss
It’s more efficient and less stressful to plan ahead, and a collection of ideas is a great resource. You can even jot down notes about what kind of image you want to use.
It can also be easier to write when you’re not in your usual workspace, so take advantage of every opportunity to get some writing started. You might even get some writing done, thanks to that handy little book.
Your “notebook” can be an app on a smartphone, but there’s research that shows writing by hand is better for your memory. If you ask me, it’s also a more satisfying experience.
If your best inspiration hits you in the shower, you can get notebooks that work there, too.
Making notes is only a first step. You need to follow through on those ideas.
So make your notes coherent.
There’s nothing like scrolling through a set of bookmarks you made on an e-reader, with grand plans for content in mind. With nothing to tell you why you bookmarked those pages, you have no clue what you intended to write about.
Without re-reading the ebook, some good ideas will vanish into the ether.
Get the good marketing ideas out of your head before they disappear
Running a business means you have a lot in your head, all the time. I like to tell people their brains are so filled with wisdom and knowledge that new stuff just slides off the top. We have a good laugh and provise the ideas won’t escape next time.
So carry a notebook and take clear, detailed notes. Record the what and the why, and where your idea fits.
You won’t use all those ideas, but even the rejected ones can spark something new.
Smart systems don’t always require high-tech solutions
Here’s a power tip: Whether it’s marketing or ops, systems reduce friction. Writing ideas down cuts your cognitive load.
Creativity and innovation come when your brain has the energy to connect ideas. Imagine new things. That handy little notebook can be there when inspiration strikes.
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay